About TryEngineering Classroom Visits
This site provides a way for engineers and technical professionals** to connect with pre-university teachers and book a virtual visit to their classroom. The visit can be a career QA session, presentation on a particular technical topic, technical mentoring to support a hands-on design challenge, competition judge, etc.
Our engineers want to share, give back and inspire pre-university students-our next generation of technology innovators. The more opportunities pre-university students have to engage with engineers the more likely they are to consider a technical profession or STEM career.
Together we can make a difference by giving every student an opportunity to meet an engineer who looks like them or comes from a similar background. This can be the missing link for some students.
**Engineers and technical professionals will be referred to as engineers throughout the website.
Thank you for your engagement on the TryEngineering Global Classroom Visits site.
Please provide your questions or feedback here.